The Day After: What's Left?
This will be a brief entry. I don’t know that I have it in me to spend much time writing about the election. It was certainly historic for many reasons. My daughters, however, were hopeful to see history made (as in a historic first).
When we shared the outcome with them this morning, my oldest was the most outwardly disappointed. Then she displayed the resilience that is just one of the many reasons I admire her.
She looked at me and said, “Well, I can still be the first woman president.” Silver lining found. Then her day commenced, just like every other day.
It was such a brief moment, but reflecting on it I see in that expression of resilience, of the simple (to her) truth that if she couldn’t witness history then she would make it, one of the great characteristics that makes America and Americans great.
It’s in our DNA. It can never be taken from us. Not if we don’t allow it.