The Panther Way
Princess Anne Middle School is a school filled with awesome people, both kids and adults. We all occasionally need a reminder about what it means to be a great citizen in a diverse and changing society, and the importance of living productively in a world where diversity is a critical part of what makes us strong as a culture and unique as individuals.
Our schools are an important part of the larger cultural fabric, and as places of learning, it is critical that we expect, teach, and model respect for the diversity of all students no matter what the characteristics are that make them unique, especially the color of their skin, the practice of their religion, the customs and traditions of their ethnicity, the physical or intellectual challenges they face, or the impact of their economic background.
I am incredibly proud of so many of the people in our school, and of the awesome things they accomplish and the generous and vibrant way they conduct themselves. It is these awesome Panthers who will help shape who we are. Martin Luther King once said, “the time is always right to do what is right.” It is right for us to take the time to value the things that make us diverse, and to ensure we all understand it is ALWAYS wrong to make anyone else feel belittled, attacked, or disrespected because of their differences. We can accept NO EXCUSE for words or actions that have this impact on others; not as a joke, not in anger, not thoughtlessness, not immaturity.
That said, I am issuing a challenge to all of the people who are part of our Panther Nation, and that is for us all to do our best first to understand, and then to live THE PANTHER WAY. So many Panthers already do, but let’s talk about what this means.
When we live The Panther Way, we show RESPECT for ourselves, for others, and for our environment.
This means we recognize that we are a DIVERSE community. Every person who is part of this community is unique, we value the things that make each of us different from one other, and we strive to make sure that none of us feels unwelcome or unwanted.
This means that we strive to develop our EMPATHY. Our ability to step into someone else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, and to make sure our words and actions reflect our understanding of what someone else is experiencing and how they are experiencing it is incredibly important.
This means we understand TIME and PLACE. We recognize that in this time and in this place we deserve to be treated with RESPECT, and we all deserve to feel valued.
When we live The Panther Way, we take RESPONSIBILITY for our words and actions and for shaping the environment and culture of our school.
This means we understand that we have a role in ensuring everyone’s SAFETY.
This means we understand that we are here to receive the best education we can. This requires an ACADEMIC FOCUS where everyone’s right to learn must be protected.
This means we understand that we have an impact on the CULTURE of our school. Our shared goal is to ensure we create a culture that is positive and welcoming for all.
This means we strive for GOOD CONDUCT every day.
This means we understand that we REPRESENT ourselves, our families, our school, and our community in our words and actions at all times.
This means we are thoughtful about how we COMMUNICATE, face-to-face, in writing, and via social media and other electronic means.
When we live The Panther Way, we focus on KINDNESS and SERVICE.
This means we are willing to give our time and energy to help others.
This means we think before we speak or act.
This means we are reflective about our words and actions.
This means we treat others how we wish to be treated.
When we live The Panther Way, we recognize we are stronger as a TEAM.
This means every person contributes.
This means every person has value.
This means every voice matters.
To quote Dr. King again, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” We are Panthers! We are unstoppable! We must strive to live The Panther Way, all of us, every single day.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Panther Way, especially the thoughts of our students, which I will share as appropriate on this blog.